Andrei Drăgoiu

Co-founder / Site Editor / YouTuber / Permaculture Enthusiast

Working towards a harmonious lifestyle and enjoying the process

In 1849 cats have been introduced into the Australian ecosystem and as native Australian animals never had the chance to co-evolve with them, as many as 22 endemic mammals have gone extinct over a period of 170 years.(source) Today cats are still threatening many species in the Australian ecosystem, killing 316,000,000 birds and 596,000,000 reptiles each year.(source) The government together with many organizations are trying to control the cats and preserve the wildlife diversity of the Australian Continent. If cats are not controlled, they will keep killing and they will keep growing in numbers until the ecosystem of Australia will collapse.

Over the centuries, people managed to make better and better things and since the industrial revolution our ego as humans has been massively inflated. We have been selfishly taking resources from mother earth, destroying our land, cutting down forests, drying up our lakes and rivers, displacing and killing untold numbers of plants, animals and people; all in the pursuit of so called progress.

As the cats are running wild in Australia, we, the humans, are running wild all over the globe and just barely starting to sprout, are the organizations that are fighting to control our global recklessness. I don’t however believe that humans are the “invasive species” causing all the imbalance, I believe there are invasive ideas in our human mentality that make us act foolishly.

As it’s pointless to worry about the things outside one’s control, I choose to take action regarding the things I can control, that being my health and lifestyle, my hobbies and routines and the people I surround myself with. We have all heard “be the change you want to see in the world” and as cliche as that sounds, I see it as the only option.

I hope that through the “Sustainable Living Transylvania” project the community and I can inspire and motivate more people to take steps towards a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle, for the sake of themselves and for the sake of every other living being.

Civilization is like a huge ship with everyone pulling at the helm, the more people start to pull towards nature, the faster we can go towards a harmonious future.