From 23 October


The first thing I think about myself is to take better care of myself, to be at peace with myself, to collaborate with myself. To avoid addictions, to have healthy relationships with people, to eat healthily, to sleep well, to be organized, disciplined.
The second thing I think about is living sustainably, taking care of the farm, maintaining it, caring for the animals and plants. To solve the problems I face on that particular day and not get too attached to certain situations, like finding a chicken or a chick dead from natural causes.
The third thing I think about is that maybe it would be good to give up meat for a while. I don’t like killing chickens or rabbits. I feel very sorry for them, and that’s why I’m considering giving up meat. If I can’t bear to see them die, then it might be better not to eat them.


Povestea 1 din 23 octombrie 

    Primul lucru la care mă gândesc despre mine este să am mai multă grijă de mine, să fiu bine cu mine, să colaborez cu mine. Să nu am adicții, să am relații sănătoase cu oamenii, să mănânc sănătos, să dorm bine, să fiu ordonat, disciplinat. 

     Al doilea lucru la care mă gândesc este să trăiesc sustenabil, să am grijă de fermă, să o întrețin, să am grijă de animale și de plante. Să rezolv problemele cu care mă confrunt în ziua respectivă și să nu mă atașez prea mult de unele situații, cum ar fi că găsesc cate o găină sau pui mort din cauze naturale. 

     Al treilea lucru la care mă gândesc este că poate ar fi bine să renunț o perioadă la carne. Nu-mi place să omor pui sau iepuri. Îmi pare foarte rău după ele și pentru asta mă gândeam să renunț la carne. Dacă nu pot sa le vad cum mor, atunci ar fi bine să nu mai mănânc.

Alex Jurj

Sustainability Specialist | Content Creator | Founder of Off-Grid Farm

With over 10 years of experience in sustainability and off-grid living, I am committed to building a sustainable lifestyle focused on permaculture, renewable resources, and food autonomy. On my 7-hectare farm, I have developed innovative projects in natural construction, water management, animal care, and regenerative agriculture. I create educational and inspirational content, both video and written, to share the steps toward sustainable living with a vast community.

I am actively involved in various ecological and sustainable education initiatives, including the collection and composting of organic food waste and the promotion of regenerative farming. Additionally, I support schools and organizations in understanding the importance of permaculture and the impact of sustainable living through presentations and workshops.

I am always open to collaborations and innovative projects in the fields of sustainability, green technologies, and education, contributing to a greener and more responsible transition for future generations.


Story 3 from 25 October


Blood donation